We have been talking about the Reformation. If you look at the definition above - remember, we annotated this in class - you will discover that the Reformation turned into a Revolution. A revolution that spanned an entire continent and helped formed the theological world of today.
Today you received your next Unit Essay, focusing on Revolutions. This will be Assignment #27 on your list. In class, we broke down the definition of a Revolution - see above - and began to discuss how Luther was indeed a Reluctant Revolutionary - Assignment #26 from last week. You might want to use that article as well. Please have the first 2 paragraphs written by the start of tomorrow's class, this will allow us to go through them and do some peer editing. That will leave you with just 2 more body paragraphs and your closing! Easy Peasy!
So, I leave you with your favorite singing History Teacher of cyber space! Happy Monday! PS!!!!! Before you go - Your voices are being heard. This is ALL YOU GUYS! You ROCK! Stand tall and be proud! You are what makes Bay View!
Martin Luther, was not necessarily a nice guy, but he did not tolerate corruption well. At all. When he set out to begin this discussion, that is truly all he wanted to do. Luther listed his grievances in order to discuss how to make the Church a better palace. He was not trying to start a whole new religion.
Sometimes we find that what we intended to do when we began a project is not necessarily where we end up at the finale. Sometimes it ends up much bigger than we ever intended, with the ripples reaching out centuries beyond our single existence. If you could change 5 things about Bay View - things that would clean her up and make this a school that you and the community should be proud of, what would they be. You never know, the slightest change you make could have lasting effects.
Everyone who posts here - signing their name - will indeed be rewarded. Now, let's get those creative juices flowing. Let's start a Revolution!
First, let me tell you, YOU GUYS ROCK! You were awesome with everyone that came in on Friday! The level of respect and work that you are putting into this project makes me PROUD! And you guys should be proud, as well. Everyone from UWM and S2U had nothing bu praise for you guys! Keep up the good work! Now, onto business, the Reformation.
If you missed any of the notes, make an appointment to stay with me, borrow someone's notes or come in during 8-8 lunch. We'll get you taken care of. OR if you have 10 of MY Bay View or 40 of any staff combination, I will give you a print out. Good motive to get started on your bellringers right away and to put up your phone, doncha think? Here is the link for the 95 Theses, in case you lost the copy I gave you. And this the handout for analyzing 15 of Luther's concerns. This is a tool for a larger project, but also counts as Assignment #25.
One of the things I am working on in my history classes, aside from sharing the stories of history with you, I am also working on bringing up your reading levels. The best way to improve your reading is to READ! Studies have shown that if you do nothing else but increase the AMOUNT of time you spend reading, you will indeed INCREASE your reading level. That is what we are doing today! So today, we are reading two articles on the Black Death. They are both fairly straight forward overviews of the Plague. Assignment #17 comes from Wake County Public Schools. For this assignment you will need to ANNOTATE the article AND answer the questions on the last page. Assignment #18is and article on the Black Death that looks at it from the standpoint of being a global pandemic and impacting the ENTIRE world! These are due tomorrow. If you do not have access to a printer, no worries, simply copy down the title and answer the questions on loose-leaf paper!