Thursday, October 1, 2015


ChromeBooks have officially been rolled out in all traditional US History classes.  You can now work from home, the bus, McDonald's - virtually anywhere - and get your work turned in. Now, you can keep up with your history class even when life happens!  I am bringing the class to YOU!

If you were not here the day that ChromeBooks were rolled out, never fear.  All the information that you need to get started is RIGHT HERE! You can set up your Evernote and Canvas accounts from the comfort of anywhere you choose.

Parents!!!  If you are interested in following along with your student, please let me know and I can "attach" you to your student's account. You will be able to see what work is assigned, when it is due, what your student has or has not turned in!  No more excuses or forgotten assignments!  Just leave me a note here and let me know your student's name and the email you would like it attached to!

Now, the fine print...

If you are chronically absent from school, I will reassign your ChromeBook. I only have 32 tablets and my classes are larger than that. There are no excuses. You need to be here to succeed! If there are serious circumstances that I need to know about, please let me know. I am not a mind reader.

Your African Enslavement essays are due Monday! Put it off no longer!

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