Monday, May 5, 2014

Toussaint Louverture DBQ Part 3

Putting it all together!  Today is the day we take all the puzzle pieces and put it together.  In case you have been absent, HERE is part 1 and HERE is part 2.

Today we are work with Part 3, in case you left/lost your DBQ packet, HERE it is.

We worked with the Bucketing, discussed the documents that you have been working with since last week, and categorized them into three categories - Military Leader, Leader of SD and Liberator of Slaves.  He was indeed all three of these, but you need to decide what evidence PROVES that he was.

After you have completed your categorization of the documents (make sure you also did the analysis of each document, using the questions under each one) you can move on the the Chicken Foot graphic organizer on the same page. This will give you the Thesis statement for all of your paragraphs.  (HINT - We wrote several thesis for the opening grabber, you could probably apply one to your conclusion paragraph!)

From here, complete page 123's organizer and start writing.  Be sure to refer back to the document you are using as evidence and use QUOTES when citing it verbatim! We will have time tomorrow for the rough draft, but that will be the end of class time for this essay.
It is due NEXT MONDAY - May 12th.  You can send me the link or document through email, or you can attach your Google Docs link HERE in the comments section.

Good luck!

PS - Revolution Essays are still due Friday - NO EXCUSES!

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