Monday, September 15, 2014

US History 9/15/2014

Good morning!

Please make sure you are bringing your books and your binders to class.  If you need a binder, see me on Friday with your 5 Redcat Tickets in hand.  

Note Staches??  How do I get one, Halsey?  You can buy a Note Stache for 10 of MY Redcat Tickets or FORTY of any other combination of teachers' tickets.

New business:

Evidence trackers will help you make sense of Standards Based Grading.

Keep your scores here - on this handy dandy tracker.  You can know EXACTLY how you are doing and what you need to focus on.  

Today's assignment:

In case you missed it, today we did an on demand writing practice assessment.  The chart that you were to have completed for today's class should have helped you focus your writing.  Sadly, it appears many people did not complete the chart that was assigned last Wednesday.  Please make sure that you do complete your assignments, even if it is practice, it helps build to where we are going.  

So, that being said, let's get to today's assignment - 5 paragraphs - pick a side.  Was it worth it?  Your three body paragraphs should be three reasons to support your stance, 1 paragraph each. Conclusion should wrap it up nicely.  Since there are so many people who did not complete the chart, please use your book and notes as reference tools.  This will be due at the BEGINNING of class Thursday. Use the TACOS method for your paragraph structure, even though this is not a DBQ!
Analyze the impact of the Columbian exchange (the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the New World) on the native populations of America in the period 1550 to 1700.  Justify the motives of the Europeans – was it worth it?

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