Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Black Death Continues

We are continuing to take a look at the Plague that wipe out SO much of Europe in SO little time.  If you missed any notes, be sure to get those from some one or email me.  

HERE is the article we worked on in class, in case you lost it or missed it!   

HERE is an extra in case you would like the timeline of events to help you out and HERE is another extra in case you would like to  have a better handle on the vernacular of the time.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fleas on Rats, Fleas on Rats...

We are starting the Black Death today - a direct EFFECT of the Crusades.  If you missed, make sure you get your notes.

ALSO, make sure your VOCAB from p.398 is dated and in the VOCAB section of your binder!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trade Routes Map

Tomorrow we will be talking about how the Crusades brought two worlds together that could barely begin to imagine what the other had to offer.  Spices, science and technological advancements, beautiful fabrics...and rats...and their fleas...and the PLAGUE!  

The MAP we worked on today will help you see the spread of the plague along the trade routes.  If you need the directions they are HERE.  And the Maps from the Atlas are found below.

Page 64
Page 65

The Maps are due FRIDAY! Be sure to get them done by then.  I am available during lunch (8-8) and after school by appointment if you prefer to work on them with the actual atlases.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Thanks for being AWESOME while I was out yesterday!  You have no idea how much my sanity appreciates it!  If you were out yesterday, please read p. 364-369 in your book. Complete the Vocab section on p. 364 and p. 369 (3-8) as assignment #13.  I will check it in your binder check for March. 


We are going through Crusades: The Crescent and the Cross. If you missed today, there's (^^^^^^^^) the link to the same documentary we watched in class and HERE'S the study guide that goes with it.  Today, we made it to approximately the 36 minute mark and number 8 on the handout.  Please take the time to get yourself caught up.  This will be Assignment #14.

I have NOT gotten many Crusades Maps - GET THOSE TO ME ASAP!  They were due Friday!

Excuse my insanity, let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, February 14, 2014

A Call to Crusades!

Friday!  TGIF!  Happy Valentine's Day!  

Today we worked in groups on Pope Urban II's Speech to rally the Christians against the "evil demons" of Islam.  If you missed class, please read through that Speech HERE!  While reading through it, use this line by line guide to help you understand the Propaganda involved in this message.  Remember, the Pope was offering them FULL immunity upon knocking at Heaven's gate. After you have analyzed it line by line, complete the SOAPS analysis to be sure you understand where Urban II was coming from.  This is assignment #12 in your table of Contents.

Enjoy your weekend!  Be beautiful!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Binder Checks - TOMORROW!!!!!

Binder checks are TOMORROW!  No EXCUSES, people!!  Get them to me Friday or be left behind until March!!  

HERE are the Bellringers for those of you who did NOT complete them! 

HERE is the link for the Binder Sheets if you lost them.

And HERE, below, are the sheets as they should be filled out thus far.  Graded work is your class's basket, if you were absent when I passed out the work. NB~ I will NOT be assessing any ungraded work in your binder.  You will still need to get that to me separately.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Crusades Begin - A Map to Guide Your Journey

Tomorrow we start talking about the Crusades.  These Crusades LITERALLY changed the world FOREVER!  It would be rude of me to send you out on such a journey without a map, so if you missed class today, here it is.

Print it out and get moving!  It is due FRIDAY!!!  
Here are the maps from the atlases in the classroom.

PS - Don't forget Binder Checks are also on Friday!!  Be a Sweet Heart and not a Sour Patch Kid, and get it into me!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Today's the day!  Show me what you know!!  Tell me all you know about Pre-Columbian America!  Make sure your a diamond in the sky.  Okay, that was a force. ;)
It won't be that bad!!  I promise!
For those of you who are missing today, feel better and hurry back to us.  Make sure you see me for a time to make up your test!  It is open note and open book.  I don't want you just memorizing random facts!

In case you want to get a head start on the next unit, even though you're not here, after the test here is what we are working on:

  • vocab from page 379 - Please make sure that is the Vocab section of your binder (Which is being checked on FRIDAY!  Be a Sweetheart and have it ready for me this Valentine's Day!
  • Read through p. 379-385.  After you have read that quick section, complete 3,4,5 on p. 385.  That will be Assignment #8 in your binder!
Reminders - 
  • Missing work - get it to me!  Sooner, rather than later.  I am available 8th hour lunch  and by appointment after school.
  • If you don't have a binder - GET ONE!  If you do have a binder, GET IT ORGANIZED!
  • We start the Crusades tomorrow!  See you then!

Friday, February 7, 2014


Okay, you have been doing a TON of work for me this week!  AWESOME!!  Way to keep up the great work!  I know it is a lot, but I also know you can do it!  

SO...I am giving you today as a work day.

Finish your Persuasive Essay on Human Sacrifice if you still need to.  Once you are done, move on to the Inca Packets you received today. HERE is the article and HERE is the question sheet.  I have to run downstairs to scan the Pachacuti sheet, I will do that for you at lunch.  The link will be orange and BOLD once it is live.  

Monday I will have your review session for the quiz on Tuesday.  Don't panic, you got this.  

Enjoy your weekend and stay warm.  

Maybe not the best advice...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


There, now that I have your's your assignment.  You will be writing a persuasive essay discussing the practice of human sacrifice among the Aztecs. (Yes, I know that clip was based on the Mayan practice...)

Here is the assignment, if you lost it, left it, need a new copy, etc.

Here is the graphic organizer...a bit updated from the one I gave you earlier.

Here and Here are the articles I provided in class in paper form.  Feel free to research and find your own.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cities of the Underworld.

Today and tomorrow we will be watching an episode from the awesome History Channel Series, Cities of the Underworld.  If you miss either class, never fear, you too can get caught up!!  The Link to the video is in orange above and you can find the handout >>>>>>>>>HERE

Stay on top of things as this semester progresses.  It is so much easier than trying to claw your way back out in June!  Trust me!!  

Email me if you have any questions. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Writing Through the Ages

We are going to be working on preparing you for your future endeavours, through your history classes here at Bay View High School.  We need to make sure that you are ready for college, life and the workplace.  One of the most important skills that we are going to focusing on is written communication. It is a huge part of life.  College professors will be giving you your topics and NOT walking you through the process of writing.  Employers will be requesting written proposals.  Notes/emails will be written to the teachers of your children and your own college professors.

This semester we are going to have you write THREE comprehensive FIVE paragraph essays.  NOW, before you start freaking out about having to write, realize we are giving the essay to you NOW, even though it is not due for a few weeks.  This will allow you to write it a paragraph at a time, while we are going through the information in class and through your readings at home.  
So, HERE is your essay, just in case you lost yours.  You can begin writing PARAGRAPH ONE TONIGHT.  Don't put it off.  See me if you have any questions.

You can hand write them NEATLY in ink OR you can type them up (through Word or Google Docs) - 12pt "normal" font, double spaced - and either turn in a hard copy or email me the electronic version.

Don't wait until the last minute. Start NOW! 

PS - Don't forget to finish up p.243 (1, 3-5) and have it ready for the start of class!