Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Grievances for Change

Martin Luther, was not necessarily a nice guy, but he did not tolerate corruption well.  At all.  When he set out to begin this discussion, that is truly all he wanted to do.  Luther listed his grievances in order to discuss how to make the Church a better palace. He was not trying to start a whole new religion.

Sometimes we find that what we intended to do when we began a project is not necessarily where we end up at the finale.  Sometimes it ends up much bigger than we ever intended, with the ripples reaching out centuries beyond our single existence.  

If you could change 5 things about Bay View - things that would clean her up and make this a school that you and the community should be proud of, what would they be.  You never know, the slightest change you make could have lasting effects.

Everyone who posts here - signing their name - will indeed be rewarded.  

Now, let's get those creative juices flowing. 

Let's start a Revolution!

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